Jumat, 25 September 2009

Spammer Remover IRc

1. bikin notepad, kemudian masukkan script dibawah ini, kemudian di save as spamrem.zvk
2. load spamrem.zvk ke dalam menu remote, klik Yes/Accept untuk melangsungkan pembersihan virus pada folder Mirc kamu.

apabila ada kesalahan mohon bantuan editan + saran + kritik nya

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; credit : D3miT_EvoLUtiOn, Rey_cute, pandhawa
;dedication to : Surabayahackerlink.org
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on *:LOAD: {
if (%spm == $null) { set %spm server.ini x $chr(160) . nospam Surabayahackerlink server.ini ops }
echo -a $chr(160) | wait 20
echo -a + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
echo -a 2,4---< LOADED:0 VScan Spam Remover Module >---
echo -a + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
echo -a $chr(160) | wait 50

alias spamrem {
echo -a Bilda Gathering basic user info...
.creq +m AUTO
echo -a mIRC version is4 $version with4 $script(0) scripts loaded. Main settings file is4 $mircini with4 $lines($+(",$mircini,")) lines
echo -a mIRC has4 $timer(0) timer(s) active,4 $sock(*,0) open socket(s), and4 $ignore(0) address(es) on ignore
echo -a mIRC is running on Windows4 $os 
echo -a DDE Name Server is4 $ddename 
echo -a  $chr(160) 
echo -a Checking and Removing the following Spam Variants:4 $replace(%spm,$chr(32),$chr(44))
.run attrib -r -s -h mirc.ini | wait 20
.timer* OFF | .sockclose * | .sreq ASK | .ignore -r | wait 5
set %_1 1
set %_inf 0
while (%_1 <= $numtok(%spm,32)) {
if ($isfile($gettok(%spm,%_1,32))) {
.set %_found $gettok(%spm,%_1,32)
echo -a Found: %_found
.unload -rsn $mdj($gettok(%spm,%_1,32)) | wait 5
.remove -b $mdj($gettok(%spm,%_1,32)) | wait 5
.inc %_inf | wait 5
.set %_inflist %_inflist %_found
.inc %_1
echo -a Spam Variants found:4 %_inf | if (%_inf !== 0) echo -a Spam Variants Cleaned:4 $replace(%_inflist,$chr(32),$chr(44)) | echo -a 3---Scan Completed
if (dal.net isin $server) { .msg #virusfree Nick $me just used SpamRemover Module from VScan to remove: $replace(%_inflist,$chr(32),$chr(44)) }
.unset %_1 %_inf %_found %_inflist
alias add.spam { .set %spm %spm $3- | echo -a Added: $3- }
alias mdj {
var %_mdj = $+(",$mircdir $+ $1,")
return %_mdj
alias wait {
var %_wait = $1 $+ 000
while (%_wait != 0) {
dec %_wait

sumber : www.surabayahackerlink.org

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